Rondar 2014 - Ovington Jess 2014

La structure du bateau et ses appendices, leurs rénovations, leurs réparations. Les techniques utilisées pour le travail du bois, plastique, mousse, nid d’abeille etc..

Modérateurs : BASTIAN, Eric, J P Noclain

dr cucu (bel 8880)
Barreur Ligue
Barreur Ligue
Messages : 101
Inscription : 18 nov. 2007 17:30

Re: Rondar 2014 - Ovington Jess 2014

Messagepar dr cucu (bel 8880) » 11 févr. 2014 14:03

Dear all
many will have seen it on facebook yesterday and again nearly 1000 views within less than 24 hours !

here enclosed the pics of new hull mould with also a completly new alloy block forming the case
standing inside and point 100% adjusted vertical to hull and board standing out later exactly in center.
That block also is tapered and the inside not wider than nessary behind the head of the board to carry minimal
amount of water in case and taper goes down to minimum of 25mm.

View from front shows the stripe which is just an indicator for masking up if a new hull will get 2-colour gelcoated
but there is little intention to build boats with stripes as it only takes extra time and costs and is unnessary extra weight in gelcoat
and also is a pain later if a hull ever needs to be repaired f.x. after a heavy bow crash.. well - and that does happen in tihght racing sometimes.

Back view shows you transom construction and upper flange for laminating a small flange to nicely bond down the vertical part
of the transom / betwen seat tanks part to the vertical transom. You also see the recess for taking the transom rudder fittings.

Pictures of deck mould and part moulds for the case cap and front bulkhead with spi chute to follow.

Hull no.1 will get started at end of this week and gets gelcoat and laminate layup into mould and by same laminator work team
which has done so many 505 hulls from the old (and now outdated and worn out moulds) over last 7 years.
From next week onwards consistant hull procuction ongoing nonstop week after week and resulting in great consistancy
as known and all new hulls will be white apart from 1 hull which is 2-colour and all decks same light grey as done on all 49ers.

In march several new one´s will be afloat and sailing and racing !

Thanks as well to the next new orders which came in from FIN and Australia (and 5 into the GBR fleet which is very good to see movement there now towrads Worlds 2016 at Weymouth)
and your trust and believe in the project and all boats (apart from without sails) will be supplied with the latest fastest, winning 2010-2011-2012-2013 Worlds BM Sails off course.
no worries - we will not disappoint you !

All SuperSpars M2´s are here and bend tested as always done by us and most are completed and rigged, all carbon oval booms and Twinpoles from our own Carbon production source done,
foils nearly all done for all new boats, parts and fittings and rope sets done and in the shelf here.

Dr Cucu: BEL 9066

dr cucu (bel 8880)
Barreur Ligue
Barreur Ligue
Messages : 101
Inscription : 18 nov. 2007 17:30

Re: Rondar 2014 - Ovington Jess 2014

Messagepar dr cucu (bel 8880) » 19 févr. 2014 21:55

encore qq nouvelles de Holger;

the bow teamplate measurement showing the maximal long waterline there (and in base line length we were able to extend the hull in back by 22mm compared to the old Rondar )

the front of boat is minimal small off course for minimal drag

hull1 is out of production mould on Friday and deck getting bonded on tomorrow !

from next week Monday onwards than hull no2 into mould and then regular production with 1 new hull build every week for us

Boat is build with the very best material like SP Epoxy resin (not basic industry Epoxy which other use ) and Airex foams as cores
and highest quality carbon woven inner layer anmd lot of Carbon unidirectionals

watch out for new pics tomorrow and at end of weekend on the Facebook!

we have all parts, foils and masts and boom sets etc. for first 15 boats done and already sitting ready in stock here !


Dr Cucu: BEL 9066

dr cucu (bel 8880)
Barreur Ligue
Barreur Ligue
Messages : 101
Inscription : 18 nov. 2007 17:30

Re: Rondar 2014 - Ovington Jess 2014

Messagepar dr cucu (bel 8880) » 24 févr. 2014 22:33

Dear all
just a quick note to make it a nice start of the week for all

new 505 hull no. 1 is alive and born and out of mould
here 2 pics of a deck and of deck bonded down onto hull withn using a jig which will in futuire bring every deck exactly down identical onto hull

Now hull is out and the case cap is fitted to the case as well
and hull no. 2 is gone into mould and from now on it is a regular run of production of new hulls for us from now until summer,
as we have so many hulls on order from top teams from now 7 nations

The hull with deck and bulkhead came out perfectly on target weight
and with perfect new hull and deck moulds and the exyactly matching joint of those, there is way less glue required
and the saved weight is used lot for more build in structure

Hull1 will be shown to public this weekend at DinghyShow in London and hull1 and 2 fitted out by us in next 2 weeks then
and during march the hulls no. 3and 4 and 5 will get alive as well and next 4 or 5 hulls in April
and we are very well prepared here at Workshop with all equipment and gear and parts and foils and spars

First boats will be afloat and sailing before end of March and also get seen at Euro-Cup at Easter at FRA

more details to fgollow and on facebook as well
just couldn´t get onto server now

Dr Cucu: BEL 9066

dr cucu (bel 8880)
Barreur Ligue
Barreur Ligue
Messages : 101
Inscription : 18 nov. 2007 17:30

Re: Rondar 2014 - Ovington Jess 2014

Messagepar dr cucu (bel 8880) » 02 mars 2014 19:00

Dear all around the 505 World anbd other interested people

now all the development work of last 5 month is done and finished and production is running and in full swing
and from now on it is 1 new hull per week and we can nearly follow that timewise with fitout and completing new boats
as everything is extremly well prepared with 20 sets ofl moulded carbon HA foils, all rigged SuperSpars M2´s and carbon booms
and Twin pole sets in stock and all fittings and rope systems prepared for all new boats !
case cap and thwarts LR.jpg
case cap and thwarts LR.jpg (102.81 Kio) Consulté 17104 fois
so we can do all 20 new boats between now and Worlds !
and the first 6 boats will be for GER and DEN and for 3 keen GBR teams soon

here enclosed several images of the new hull and details in lower resolution to keep email size small
but vther are so many many more new smart details which you do not se at fisrt view.....
the new 505 hull was on display on our builder OvingtonBoats stand and surrounded by great other high quality boats like MustoSkiff, 29er, 49er and FX and the new VXone
means the 505 as the best of the "traditional classes " surrounded with the best Singlehander, the best Youth class, the 2 exiting olympic Skiffs and the really
promising new keelboat project VXone which actually far more is a large dinghy than a keelboat
Deck total LR.jpg
Deck total LR.jpg (237.02 Kio) Consulté 17104 fois

I did an indeep interview on the new 505 project and many many details and background with international sailing journalist Andy Rice
and lets see where this will all show up soon everywhere hopefully, as all good class PR is needed now and espcially in GBR
to drag in good teams from other class now and get them started towards Weymouth 2016.

GBR has put that together
as tribut to 60 years of 505 class now and Kiel in August will see the 59th WorldChampionship
In total there where 7 505´s at the DinghyShow from all ages and from very old coldmoulded all timber
to the brandnew finished last week hull no.1 of the new generation and era.
Many GBR 505 sailors where around and I spend half of day answering questions on the new boat development project
and all details and re. 2014 Kiel Worlds, training and tuning and setup etc.

It was great to meet so many many long time sailing friends in London yesterday and many have kids now racing in 29ers
and I already met several 505 legends at 29er Worlds last year.

Talk soon busy busy now here with new boats !
will keep you all uptodate with posting pics and infos on Facebook

Dr Cucu: BEL 9066

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Re: Rondar 2014 - Ovington Jess 2014

Messagepar Jaws » 02 sept. 2014 8:54

/11/]Spécificités du nouveau Rondar
505_Rondar_2014_001.jpg (49.81 Kio) Consulté 16388 fois
505_Rondar_2014_002.jpg (68.49 Kio) Consulté 16388 fois
505_Rondar_2014_003.jpg (46.41 Kio) Consulté 16388 fois
505_Rondar_2014_004.jpg (63.02 Kio) Consulté 16388 fois
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Re: Rondar 2014 - Ovington Jess 2014

Messagepar Philippe VANDERSTEEN » 02 sept. 2014 13:22

Tout simplement efficace et logique.

J'en prendrais bien un ( et je suis sérieux ) à condition d'avoir un étambrai 10 mm. plus large avec deux cales latérales en carbone pour coincer le mât latéralement.

J'ai demandé à BOB FISCHER de me faire ce genre d'étambrai sur ma coque FISCHER. Ceci permets de mâter tout seul sans devoir monter dans le bateau, même pour moi qui suis petit 1m.72 ... C'est simplement fabuleux et facile.

Démonstration quand vous le vouler. Ce devrait être OBLIGATOIRE. Et le mât est toujours méga maintenu latéralement.

Temps qu'à faire des évolutions, allons-y jusqu'au bout, ca ne coûte rien en plus.

Ce n'est que mon humble avis, mais non dénué d'intérêt.


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Re: Rondar 2014 - Ovington Jess 2014

Messagepar Ludo » 09 sept. 2014 7:28

pour éviter le bourrage du spi le nouveau rondar est sympa. par contre la cassure structurel du pont en liaison me parait dommage. les arêtes des pieces composite me laisse prédire des bulles même si c'est du sous vide.
la carène est elle la même que les autres rondar?
pour ma part ovington construit les Mumm, 49er, une expérience du composite sur d'autre support que le dériveur....un vrai duel de constructeur!! maintenant c'est aux compétiteurs de faire la différence...

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Re: Rondar 2014 - Ovington Jess 2014

Messagepar BASTIAN » 22 oct. 2014 21:00

Bon intoxe ou pas je prépare un projet avec CDK à port la forêt pour un bateau en vogue dns notre class légèrement supérieur a 5m


a bientôt
Voile à DONF !!!

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